Construction works have commenced on QEII Hospital’s Capacity Expansion Project (CEP) this month, with piling works now underway on the new Clinical Services Building site.
The new building will accommodate 112 additional overnight beds, including seven extra ICU beds, and added operating theatre capacity to support the growing QEII community.
Metro South Health Chief Executive Noelle Cridland said the expansion will create a vital asset for our local community, staff, and patients with four tower cranes arriving in March or April.
“We are excited that construction work has begun in earnest after activity on campus commenced in October for the Clinical Services Building and November for the new multi-level car park,” Ms Cridland said.
“This Expansion Program is giving residents better access to healthcare, closer to home and we are proud to be part of building a bigger and better QEII, together.”
Stakeholders from across the project including QEII, Metro South Health Service Expansion Strategy and Planning team, Health Infrastructure Queensland, Built Australia, Mace and Altus met on site to acknowledge the project milestone on 21 January.
Executive Director QEII Hospital Gillian Campbell said QEII campus has completely changed in the past 10 months owing to the advancement of the infrastructure program.
“These projects will really put QEII Hospital on the map with increased services, improved functionality of existing facilities, with a focus on making the environment more contemporary and comfortable for patients, visitors, and staff.
“The opinions and feedback of our consumers has been a feature of the user groups through the early stages ensuring design is welcoming, inclusive and meets the needs of patients,” she said.
While piling works strengthen the new building’s physical foundation, Health Infrastructure Qld Project Director Jacqueline Hawkins said the CEP milestone speaks to a strong interprofessional foundation laid between its stakeholders.
“Today is an acknowledgement of the partnership to date, that has got us to a point where the site has been prepared and piling has commenced,” said Jackie.
“We’ve seen that partnership continue with a great managing contractor, a very active and engaged health service, and we all work as a team to deliver a great project.”
Built’s General Manager Christian Adamson echoed the sentiment on behalf of the national contracting group, who will be concurrently building the hospital’s new multi-level car park and the Clinical Services Building, with both projects adjacent each other.
“With a significant amount of work already carried out to date, it’s exciting to be commencing onsite with foundation works now underway,” he said.
“As a wholly Australian-owned digital-first contractor, we’re proud to have been entrusted with this project and we understand the importance of delivering the best value for money to the community.
“From day one, partnership, collaboration and an openness to innovation from all parties has been central to the success of the project. We look forward to continuing this collaborative relationship with Metro South Health throughout the main works.”
Once completed, Christian says the eight-storey, 1,379-bay car park will complete the QEII Expansion Project, by providing accessible, secure and essential parking to staff, patients, and visitors.
“Building both structures simultaneously adds value in efficiency of scale and procurement benefits,” he explained. “Our goal is to deliver the Clinical Services Building and the car park as safely and efficiently as we can, with minimal impact to the operating hospital.
“The car park is a critical part of the overall expansion and we have no doubt it will make a massive difference to both QEII staff and patients,” said Christian.
For more information about the Capacity Expansion Program at QEII visit Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital (QEII) expansion | Metro South Health