The name Gundu Pa is a combination of two words in the local Jandai language meaning ‘medicine stones place’ and was suggested by Winnam Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation.

Contact details
Outpatient services
07 3213 7800
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Feedback Help us improve our services by telling us about your experience. You can submit a complaint, give a compliment or make a suggestion.
Opening hours
Open 24-hour Primary Care Clinic
A walk-in clinic for minor injuries and illnesses. No appointments needed.
Temporary closure for important electrical upgrades from 7 pm Thursday 16 January 2025 to 7am Friday 17 January 2025.
Street 20 New Lindum Road, Wynnum Qld 4178
Postal 20 New Lindum Road, Wynnum Qld 4178

Plan your visit

Information to help you plan your visit to Wynnum-Manly Community Health Centre, Gundu Pa.

Street address: 20 New Lindum Road, Wynnum Qld 4178
Use arrow keys to navigate and plus/minus keys to zoom in and out.


We have free onsite parking.

Public transport

Plan your trip

To plan your trip, use the Translink journey planner or call 13 12 30.
TTY: call 13 36 77 and ask for 13 12 30.


There are 2 bus stops outside our building on New Lindum Road.


There are 3 train stations nearby.

  • Wynnum North
  • Lindum
  • Wynnum