General enquiries

For general enquiries about research.

Translational Research Institute
Level 7, 37 Kent Street
Woolloongabba QLD 4102

Research ethics and governance

Metro South Human Research Ethics Committee

Research governance

Clinical Research Facility (CRF)

Clinical Research Facility
Level 4, R Wing Princess Alexandra Hospital
199 Ipswich Road Woolloongabba Qld 410

Give feedback about our research

Please let us know if you have any feedback, issues or concerns about the research we're doing at our hospitals and health centres. There are  different ways you can give feedback.

You can call or email:

  1. the principal investigator, members of the research team or approving Human Research Ethics Committee - contact details are on the participant information and consent form (PICF)
  2. the Metro South Health Human Research Ethics Committee
  3. Metro South Research by phone: 07 3443 8065 or email:

Or you can fill in one of our online forms:

If your feedback, issue or concern relates to research integrity, please contact one of our research integrity advisors. Or email and request contact details for our research integrity officer.

Research facilitators and navigators

Our facilitators and navigators can support you during your research, including help with your ethics and governance applications.

Last updated: July 2024