Social Workers at Logan Hospital are helping vulnerable babies receive a safe start to life by providing big-ticket items like cots and car seats to local families in need.
The team is working in partnership with ‘Baby Give Back’, a Queensland charity passionate about ensuring all babies have an equal start to life.
Senior Social Worker Sam Tregea said Baby Give Back partnered with local organisations to provide monthly donations of baby items needed by Logan families working with our teams during their pregnancies.
Sam said the program had been well utilised by patients since its implementation in 2021 and without it, babies may be left without a safe sleeping place or unsafe travel home from hospital.
“Families in need of support accessing baby provisions are identified during their pregnancy by either a midwife or social worker,” she said. “This could be because they are experiencing a range of psychosocial issues such as homelessness, unplanned pregnancy, mental health concerns, or simply experiencing extreme financial hardship due to the cost-of-living crisis,” she said.
“Baby Give Back usually do a large delivery monthly to Logan Hospital for orders placed for individual patients.”
The social work team said families were extremely grateful for the items they received.
“Having access to these items means vulnerable families can use their limited finances to purchase other baby necessities."