Meet Forensic Nurse Examiner Allison De Tina, who has masterfully led the establishment of Metro South’s comprehensive, trauma-informed forensic nursing service.
Allison was part of the first cohort to undertake the Forensic Nursing training pathway in 2006 and has independently performed examinations since. Harnessing her expertise over the past two decades, Allison’s groundbreaking work has provided timely, trauma-informed care to countless victim-survivors of sexual assault throughout Queensland.
As Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) Metro South Health (MSH) Forensic Nursing Service (FNS), Allison is committed to developing and supporting the next generation of sexual assault examiners. Working closely with Forensic Medicine Queensland, Allison has been actively engaged in the training of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) and doctors across the state.
“Establishing the Forensic Nursing Service at Metro South has been a career highlight. Being able to bring forensic services to a Hospital and Health Service and inspiring nurses to work in this nursing stream, has been incredibly fulfilling and satisfying.”
Dedicated to delivering a holistic FNS care model, Allison works closely with the multidisciplinary team, as well as external agencies including the Queensland Police Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions to connect victim-survivors with critical social and legal supports.
“We work very closely with our social work team who are available to provide support throughout the whole process. They offer front end psychological support including discussing pathway options such as collect and store for those who are yet to make the difficult decisions. They also offer referrals to specialist sexual assault services in the community.
With nearly two decades of experience, Allison goes the extra mile to foster a supported and empowered SANE team, recognising the mental toll forensic nursing can take.
“Without the right mindset, this work can feel emotionally heavy. We see people acutely in their trauma, and don’t get to see what recovery looks like to them. I try to remind myself and the team that what we are doing is really positive work, because we are empowering victim-survivors through this service.
“We know that those very early interventions and interactions we have with victim-survivors can set the trajectory of someone’s recovery, and we have an opportunity to influence that for them, which is so rewarding,” she explained.
Allison’s investment in raising the next generation of SANEs goes above and beyond to ensure the people at both sides of the service are supported every step of the way.
“Finding that work-life balance and finding things outside of work that bring you joy is important too. We run regular reflective practise groups, so we’re able to normalise experiences amongst ourselves,” she said.
“Keeping an eye on the group and touching base regularly is really important. Attending group catch-ups and talking about our experience and how we felt can help turn the pressure valve off.”
Allison says the service wouldn’t be possible without the enduring support of MSH leadership, clinicians and the multidisciplinary coordination of teams across the HHS.
“There are incredible nurses that I work with, incredible social workers and doctors and nurses in the ED and we couldn’t do this without their support.”
“It really is great to know Metro South values the work we do and really is invested in doing the best for people who walk through our doors.”
Allison’s tireless efforts and excellence in leadership earned her Metro South Health’s Spirit Award in November 2024.
Her nomination aptly summed up Allison’s mammoth effort in establishing the FNS:
Allison has gone above and beyond to create an exceptional service in Metro South Health for victims of sexual assault. Her interpersonal skills, professionalism, and commitment to excellence allowed her to build a team from scratch and develop a victim-centric and sustainable service. She has an outstanding work ethic and an unwavering conviction that victims of sexual assault need a responsive and dignified service to facilitate them achieving justice.
Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Allison, and thank you for your continued service to the MSH community.