Closing the Oral Health Gap through community partnerships

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The Metro South Oral Health Services team from the Nathan Inala cluster participated in the Kummara Centre of Excellence Back to School Resource Day in January.

The event aimed to provide valuable healthcare services to school-aged Indigenous children, offering ear, eye, and oral health screenings.

The atmosphere was lively, with an impressive turnout of eager families, complemented by activities such as face painting, prize giveaways, and the distribution of back-to-school kits for all attendees.

Our Oral Health team was able to engage with families, offering insights into maintaining good oral hygiene and providing oral health screenings.

The team conducted screenings for more than 50 children, each of whom has now been included in a recall list or scheduled for a follow-up appointment.

A/Advanced Oral Health Therapist Christina Franks said the day was truly rewarding, with plenty of pearly-white smiles all round!

“The vibrantly painted faces of the children reflected the joy and enthusiasm of the day,” Christina said.

“It's moments like these that remind us of the positive impact we can make on the health and well-being of our community.”